Thursday, February 6, 2020


I think, out of all things in life, what you feel the most deep in your heart, is the only thing that matters. 

One step in front of another, clear goals and visions, meticulously thought out plans, some days - decisions made in a hurry, some days - attracting negative vibes, some days - thinking why is everything perfect ? Why are you so afraid that things will go wrong ? 
Our minds are magnets said they! And, yes, they are - how do you keep going when everything is perfect ? And, that is why there is a stumble, a stone, a rock, a puddle, a river, an ocean, because how do you go on when everything is perfect ? Ever wondered ? What do you look forward to ? Yes, the goal, but also the journey that takes you there.. 
                                  If it is easy, will you go that route? 
And, so, here it is, the stone in your path, you were looking ahead towards your goal - which is what is expected. Some days, you need to look at the ground, there is a lot going on there too. 
                             And, if you forget to do so, I will remind you - said, Life
Breathe, this is not the whole story, it is the chapter - like always, a No is always better than a yes. 
Like always, I ask - why is this a no and here I will wait for the best to happen, because based on the countless incidents in my life, a NO has always been better. 
If you are reading this and have found a No, please question about it and wait patiently because you will find an answer - sooner or later. 
Stop, lay down and curl up, you were going too fast, so here is the time - slow down, what is the hurry ? 

इतनी भी जल्दी क्यों है जनाब, जाना किधर है? 
थोड़ा सा महसूस तुम भी कर लो, जाना किधर है?
मंज़िल तो आखिर एक ही है सबकी, थोड़ा सफर का भी मज़ा ले लो 
थोड़ा आज भटक कर देख लो, ऐसी भी क्या ख्वाइश की हो सुब मुकमल, इतनी भी जल्दी क्यों है जनाब, जाना कीधर है ?
थोड़ा आज सुकून ही पि लो, कल फिर आएगा ख्वाइशें लिए, इतनी भी जल्दी क्या है जनाब, जाना कीधर है ?


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